Architectural Design
Shaping the Future

With over 50 years of experience, KYOWA Urban Design specializes in designing and supervising large-scale commercial and public facilities, as well as various other architectural projects. Our portfolio showcases successful collaborations with major firms and our own innovative in-house designs.

We infuse creativity into every stage of our projects, constantly striving to envision the "forms" that will shape the future. Partner with KYOWA Urban Design and let us bring your vision to life, crafting groundbreaking landmarks that leave a lasting impact.

【Using CAD】

Architecture Design

Small Land Utilization
Unlocking Potential

KYOWA Urban Design transforms underutilized land into profitable assets through stylish and low-cost wooden housing solutions. We focus on creating in-demand detached houses and terrace homes for the rental market.

Our strategies prioritize high yields and stable returns, helping clients achieve their investment goals within a 10-year timeframe. We efficiently revitalize idle land, maximizing its potential.

Partner with us to unlock the hidden value of your small-scale land holdings and enjoy a secure, profitable investment.

Grand Blue Small Land Utilization

Housing Design & Construction
Crafting Homes, Building Dreams

Our architectural design firm offers a comprehensive approach to wooden housing projects, guiding you from design to construction. Our architects excel at creating homes that embrace modern lifestyles and cater to each family's unique needs.

We listen to your aspirations and work alongside you to bring your ideal home to life. From planning to interior and exterior design, we ensure every aspect of your home seamlessly fits your current lifestyle.

Entrust your project to our skilled team and experience the joy of living in a home that embodies your style and enhances your quality of life.

【Permits and approvals】
First-class Architectural Firm Registration, Osaka Prefectural Governor Registration (Designation) No. 8191
General Construction Industry Registration: Osaka Prefectural Governor Permit (General-2) No. 153462

Housing Design & Construction

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